Under the lead of Stichting AOnderwijs Midden Limburg (SOML) of the Netherlands, PLASTEAM brings together 8 Partners from 5 European countries (NL, IT,GR, RO, MT), forming a transnational partnership including experts with professional expertise in the field of teaching STEAM and environment, culture, sustainability, as well as secondary and primary schools.
Agora Roermond – Stichting Onderwijs Midden Limburg, The Netherlands
Guido van Dijk (lead)
website: www.soml.nl
Asociatia Centrul National pentru Productie și Consum Durabile, Romania
Aida Szilagyi, Marian Brindau
website: www.cnpcd.ro
Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 10, Romania
Rodica Zimbru
website: http://scoala10sv.ro/
Vicky Malotidi & Iro Alampei
website: www.medies.net
Eurodimensions, Malta
Marika Huber
website: www.eurodimensions.com
Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane, Italy
Mario Spatafora & Alessia Spatafora
website: www.asseffebi.eu
NEMO Science Museum, The Netherlands
Inka de Pijper, Meie van Laar
website: www.nemosciencemuseum.nl
Themistoklis S.A. Private School, Greece
Eirini Mani, Alexandra Pavlaki
website: www.themistoklis.gr