Creative Learning in STEM

The paper “Creative Learning in STEM: towards the design of an approach between theory and reflective practice” suggests that bodily engagement, emotions, self-expression and open-ended, creative exploration, should have a legitimate place in the science classroom. It proposes to move beyond the de-contextualised use of technology in learning towards a learning flow that fosters engagement, a way to develop children’s thinking, their voice and identity, making them feel able to share and contribute actively.

Read the full article.

Myths & Little-Known Truths About Recycling

Recycling can be complex: Some people are uncertain about how it helps the planet, while others consider it a waste of time, money and energy.

Nonetheless, things have changed in the last years. More and more industries are trying to reduce their wastes and consumer behavior has shifted. Greater emphasis is now on reducing, reusing, and recycling, as people are becoming more conscious of the world’s waste problem.

Yet still, misconceptions remain. This article sheds light on six popular myths.

Read the full article.

Co-designing the science we need for the ocean we want

What is transformative Science? How is it produced and disseminated?

The condense guide ‘Co-designing the Science We Need for the Ocean We Want’, inspired by an international webinar series, offers a solid staring point on the: what, why and how to co-design salient, credible and legitimate ocean knowledge solutions. The recommendations are applicable in other science co-designing frameworks.

Access the guide.

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Find many stories and good practices from around the world in their rich inspiring website.

Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

Yes! I will take the challenge!

1st project meeting, Malta, Dec 2021

One year after the launch of the PLASTEAM project, this was the first time that partners met in person, due to the restrictions posed by the pandemic.

This was quite a condense and fruitful two-day long meeting, organised on 2-3 December by the Maltese Partner Eurodimensions.

All partners presented their organisations and exchanged views on the expected tasks in all three IOs. The focus was given on the APP development (IO1, lead by AGORA) that is about to be finalized. Moreover, the tasks and way forward for the other two IOs was explained by their leaders (IO2 by Effebi, and IO3 by MIO-ECSDE / MEdIES).

The Big Problem With Plastic

Consumer Reports (CR) reveals where most of the plastic you throw away really ends up and explains what to do to limit its environmental harm.

The aricle is USA-focused, but much of its content relates to the plastic insustries, recycling myths and consumer behaviour in general that is why it is relevant to many European countries.

Read the article.

Plastic waste and recycling in the EU: facts and figures

Plastic production has grown exponentially in just a few decades and so did the amount of plastic waste. The EU is already taking measures to reduce plastic waste, but what happens to the waste that is generated despite all efforts? And how can recycling rates be increased? Sadly, less than a third of plastic waste in Europe is recycled.

Find out more facts and figures on plastic waste and its recycling in the EU in this infographic of the European Parliament. Read more.